Happy Birthday, Jesus!

In our joy we are reminded of Your joy mingled with sorrow – the gift of Your Son. The King of kings humbled Himself and left the enormity of heaven to become man. A royal baby, born in a lowly dwelling, lived a sinless life so that He could become our sacrifice. Father, You made a way for us when there was no way. There is still no way for us except through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  He became our Way, our way to You, Father. Our way into joy, victory, comfort, peace, completeness, healing, confidence, and the abiding presence of God’s Holy Spirit. What a gift to reflect on during this Christmas season, the gift of gifts, the reason for the season of celebration.

Thank You for Your gift to us. We give back to You the only thing we have to give, ourselves. It amazes us that You are pleased with our gift. What love! We, in turn, love You.

Extend Your hand toward us, Lord. Touch us. You have the power to heal and restore and deliver. We will stand and watch as You work. We look expectantly to see Your deliverance. It is just like You to reach out with the gift of salvation at this blessed time of giving. We love You.

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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