A Lot of Shaking

     During a home exterior renovation, things were happening on the inside of my house as they pounded on the exterior walls and window and door frames. A porcelain bird fell from a shelf having worked its way to the edge, breaking the delicate branches where the bird had been perched. Pictures were askew on the walls. I began removing special items from shelves, pictures and decorative items from the walls attempting to prevent more accidents. I tried to make a repair on a piece of broken pottery using some super glue and almost glued my fingers together! Then I found little pieces of grout in my tub. It had obviously fallen from the tile on the walls, but I couldn’t find where any grout was missing. So I guess that which was excess or unnecessary fell off during the shaking.

     Sometimes we feel like that, don’t we? Our core is shaken and some things broken away as our circumstances around us hammer and pound away at unresolved issues and unforgiveness or fear. As some things we value are broken away we learn dependence and trust in the One who is our true Sufficiency. Some things are straightened, some things need restoration, and some things are removed and discarded. 

     Every thought and every stored belief and memory must be realigned with the infallible Word of God. Every “brokenness” can be repaired by our faithful Lord who is our Restorer and Healer. The power of the Holy Spirit works in us to first bring us to repentance and to Christ, and then to help us recognize those things in our character and our traditions that need to be “put off” and replaced with the things of the Spirit which we are to “put on.” But He doesn’t leave us on our own to accomplish any of this. We can depend on Him, His strength, His enabling to accomplish in us all that He desires. He puts the desire to change in our hearts and then gives us power “to do” what He is calling us to do. It is not so much a striving as it is knowing Him and responding, submitting to His truth, His character, and His will.

    Heavenly Father, help us turn away any distraction, any thing that would hinder our progress. We know we have the power to choose our thoughts, for You have given us a spirit “of a sound mind.” Your Word reveals that adversity tests the heart to purify us as metals are purified by heat. You are making us beautiful as You perfect Your will in us and through us, building endurance, character, hope and love while leading us in right paths. Thank You for correction and restoration, for Your goodness and mercy that follow us. Thank You for Your tender care.

In His care, Bebe

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