Play Your Instrument

A young friend was talking about her feelings of inadequacy in sharing with others, her thoughts about scripture and life. She was comparing herself with other speakers/writers she felt were more seasoned and knowledgeable.

I explained that she had an audience that could identify with her youth, her experience, and her style. Some audiences may identify more with someone who speaks their language; some might appreciate a perspective with a little more life experience. We all can contribute in different ways to different audiences. As an older woman I can appreciate the fresh and energetic perspective of a younger, less traditional speaker/writer. At the same time, I might relate to and understand more readily a more seasoned approach.

Style is a whole other issue. Whereas I might listen with eager enthusiasm to a specific minister, my husband might not be so inclined. But my husband may prefer another speaker who I don’t relate to at all. Although we can both learn from each one, we have a preference. We are all familiar with the saying, “Different strokes for different folks.” Well, isn’t it wonderful that we have such a broad spectrum of personalities and styles educating and inspiring a broad spectrum of listeners?

I look at it this way. I might prefer a soft blue; you might be drawn to a vibrant orange. I may thrill to the sound of an acoustic guitar; you may lean into a heavy, pulsating drumbeat. Neither of us is wrong; we are just, different. Scripture speaks about the “manifold wisdom” of God. The word, manifold, depicts “abundantly colored” and “diverse”. One commentator compared “manifold grace” to the many angles of light in a precious gem, “like a heavenly diamond with innumerable facets. Every vantage point reflects a new insight into the gracious resources of our Lord.” (1)  Isn’t that a beautiful description! We are created in the image of God, so it is reasonable that we are also “many colored” and “diverse”, each one contributing to the beauty of God’s landscape.

We are each playing a different instrument, but when those tuned instruments join in on the same melody, even with their different styles, we now have a full orchestra making incredible music, a symphony! Let’s just play His song in the way He designed us and make a song worth hearing. And be careful not to compare; a tiny triangle doesn’t make a lot of sound, but it contributes greatly to the masterpiece being played by the orchestra, if, we allow Him to be our conductor!

In His care, Bebe 

“O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions—” Psalm 104:24 NKJV

(1) Reference from Hoekstra’s Day by Day by Grace (December 31st), The Manifold Grace of God,

Photo by Tetiana Shyshkina

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