Storm the Gates!

Ok, I’m mad!

My energies for over a year have been primarily focused on staying peaceful, trying to show love, standing in faith, trusting God to work things out, regular necessary occupation with survival (buying groceries and cooking), avoiding covid, etc. I have tried to maintain an attitude of continual prayer while seeking wisdom concerning prayer and the will of God. I have joined others in praying for specific requests concerning our nation and leaders. I have learned a lot about effectual prayer, and I have much more to learn.

But, now I’m mad! Really, really MAD!

At who? The enemy!

Sunday morning while dressing for church, the Lord brought a verse to mind. In Matthew 16:15-18, we are reminded that Jesus Christ is our Rock, our foundation upon which the church is built. Verse 18 states, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Against what? Against the church, us, the believers, the ecclesia, the body of Christ under His authority.

Prevail – to have strength, to overpower, to succeed or accomplish one’s desire

Ok, what’s wrong here??? Yes, I know in the end we win, and we will live with the Lord forever. Yes, and I’m thrilled and grateful about that. But what about now? He has given to us abundant life. He put us in charge. He gave to His own (that’s us if we know Christ as Savior and Lord), dominion in the earth. He gave us power and authority over all the enemy, (Luke 9:11). The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, by influencing and deceiving. But Christ came to give life to the full, abundantly! (John 10:10) Jesus is the truth and the life.

The verses following Matthew 16:18 give us information regarding the keys to the kingdom, and directives to bind and loose, to bind on earth what is bound in heaven, and to loose on earth what is loosed in heaven. His kingdom come! Not in the end, but His kingdom here on earth, now. What are we doing with that?

Jesus Christ gave everything to get those keys back! He has provided everything we need for warfare. He has equipped us with power from on high through the Holy Spirit. He has given us the sword of the Spirit, His Word, as a mighty weapon.

Now, back to those gates!

We are not instructed to tiptoe up to the gates of hell and just stand there with our backs against the gate hoping to withstand the push that is coming against us. No! No! No!

We are instructed to advance against the enemy, demolishing strongholds, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. We are to prevail against – to advance like a mighty army against the foe, with confidence in our Commander, Jesus Christ, and push the gates back! Our God is the mighty Victor! We are His mighty warriors, assisted by the heavenly host of heaven, warring angels who are sent on assignment by the Word of God that we are proclaiming and declaring!

What are you declaring? Is it the Word of God; does it align with His purposes and design? Or does it line up with the world view, the media, your neighbor, tradition? The world has confused us, demanding that we be tolerant, kind, loving, and quiet. Absolutely we are to do everything in love with kindness, but nowhere are we commanded to be silent or to tolerate sin, or to dilute the truth because we might offend. The Word of God is offensive! It separates good and evil. We are to be light in darkness, and salt to flavor this world. Are you seasoning the world or are circumstances, the enemy’s lies, and secular beliefs flavoring your thoughts? Good question. Many have listened to the voice of the enemy, cloaked in sheepskin, looking like good when it is really evil. Open our eyes, Lord.

So, let’s ask for wisdom and discernment. Let’s put on our armor. Let’s pray and seek His kingdom and righteousness. Let’s put our focus on Christ, only. Then, let’s move in unity of spirit, seeking His direction, and trusting in His power to perform in us and through us the mighty acts and good works He has placed within us to perform. (Ephesians 2:10)

Let’s use the keys He has given us, declaring His Word in every situation. His Word is powerful, and we serve a Mighty God! Immerse yourself in the Word of God and His Presence. We will be transformed! And so will our nation! Praise His great Name!

Advance warriors!!! With swords drawn! If God is for us who can be against us? In all this, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!

In His care, Bebe

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