Lord, before I bring my requests, I stop…I look at the greatness of my Most Holy God. I see the Creator of the mountains and His perspective of any mountain I may face. I see the Giant-killer and then the giants that come against me don’t make me tremble. I see the Peace-maker and the fact that I can choose to carry His Presence into any situation, destroying chaos! I see the Way-maker and know that He has gone before me to prepare my way. I see the Great Shepherd who cares for me and supplies all I need. I lie down in His green pastures and rest; I drink at the quiet waters that refresh.
I remember that He is my dwelling place, my refuge, my strong tower and I am safe. Again, I stop and breathe in His sweet Presence; His Holy Spirit fills me. I know His angels are with me to keep me always as I stay close to Him, covered by the shadow of the Almighty.
Now, I am at His feet, pouring out my worship. Lavishing my praise and thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done. He heard me the minute I whispered His name, but now…I am ready…to enter in, to bring my requests with the right perspective to be able to receive, to hope, to listen, to know He is…and I am His.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the privilege of prayer, for Your sweet Presence, for loving me completely, for forgiving me and making The Way for me to become wholly Yours.
Jesus…I whisper the Name…