Be my focus!

Saturday morning, as I woke, these two thoughts were my first of the day. To the Lord, I requested: “Be my focus . . . even, be my distraction.” Thoughts started running through my mind and so I got up early and began writing.

Holy Spirit,

Be my focus . . . even be my distraction when I need to come apart with You

Be the driving force that leads me . . . and the gentle persuasion that guides my way

Be the noise inside my head . . . and the quiet whisper in my ear

Be the place I run to . . . and the place I dwell

Be my wondering . . . and my experience

Be my question . . . and my settling

Be my seeking . . . and my finding

Be my contemplation . . . and my choosing

Be my coming . . . and my going

Be my first awareness every morning . . . and the last thought before I sleep

Be my forgetting . . . and my remembering

Be the healing of my past . . . and the promise of my future

Be my journey . . . and my destination

Be my desiring . . . and my fulfillment

My moving and my being . . . my everything, my all, my Only

You, Lord, are the totality of everything I want and everything I need.

In His care, Bebe

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