Three years ago, we began a new tradition, a Jesus Tree for Christmas.
I had wanted to do this for at least 20 years, but just never got around to it. I had seen the idea at a Ladies’ Conference and even wrote down a lot of particulars, but of course, could not find the list.
My husband and I decided it was just too much trouble to bring down a large tree and so many boxes at our age, so we donated a lot of the items we had accumulated over the many years. Kept some and made Christmas smaller, visually only!
I had a small, 4-foot tree, and a few items to start my Jesus tree. I asked the grandchildren to each bring a handmade ornament that depicted something about Jesus to put on the tree the first year. Each ornament added is a type of picture of Christ, along with a scripture verse reference. Some items might seem odd to see on a Christmas tree at first, until I give the explanation. For example, there is a Lego soldier with helmet, shield, and sword. But the Word says, The Lord is a warrior, Exodus 15:3. Of course, several small Bibles adorn the tree because Jesus is the Word made flesh, John 1:14.
Here are a few items in case you want to start your own tree and need some ideas for starters. It’s been really fun and I’m keeping it simple. The most recent addition is a “well.” I had an empty 6oz bottle of Ozarka water on the tree, and someone thought one of the kids had put their trash on the branch. So, I replaced it with an adorable well, with a working bucket! To the woman at the well, Jesus spoke, whoever drinks of the water that I will give him, will never be thirsty again, John 4:13.
I found a small, cardboard “crown” at a hobby shop and decorated it with jewels because He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, Revelation 17:14. I even have a small throne covered in velvet. I wanted a door because Jesus said, I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, John 10:9. I found a door, online, that was for a dollhouse. Of course, I have a small lamb and a lion. Use your imagination, be inspired by the scriptures about Jesus, and have fun.
I have about 50 items (a few duplicates) on the tree now, and the tree itself even speaks of Jesus, I am like an evergreen tree, Hosea 14:8 NLB. There have been several opportunities to witness because of the Jesus Tree. A stack of scripture references, with a reference to each item, is on the entry table beside the tree. It’s been a great opportunity to share the Word, and it’s just a fun way to honor our Lord by making Him the center of our decorations.
I hope you’ll be inspired to start a Jesus tree, or just come and see mine!
Have a very Merry Christmas! and Joy to the World, the Lord is come!
In His care, Bebe

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