When overwhelmed with a large whirlwind of bad news and difficult circumstances, we run the risk of shutting down. It may feel like everything you have known and depended on is tenuous. Hold on! Not to the whirlwind, but to what is rock solid and unchanging.
Don’t allow yourself to shut down.
Remind yourself that you are not in this alone. Personally, I don’t get a lot of comfort when media tells me we’re all in this together. But, when I remember that God is for me, that He is ever present with me, that the One who has all authority is on my side, willing to lead, teaching me to love like Him, authoring and finishing my faith…then I am encouraged.
He says He will never leave me or forsake me. He reminds me He has already won the war. He assures me that He has given me everything I need through Christ Jesus to stand and to be victorious. He fills me with confidence in Him, and I know that He is in me.
But He also reminds me that I am a warrior, in a battle that is spiritual, between forces of good and evil. He reminds me that the enemy is nothing more than a liar. I recall that the angelic forces on the side of truth and good are sent as ministering angels to the saints. Those godly forces are led by Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and Power. The enemy forces are led by fear, hate, chaos, and deception.
Additionally, I have the advantage of experience, a benefit of age. Not just getting older, but years of experience knowing God. Seeing His character demonstrated over and over, yes, in the words of Scripture, but also in the faithful working of His purposes in me and around me. Seeing His promises come to pass in my very circumstances. Observing, firsthand, His patience and long suffering as He gently leads me along His paths. I can be stubborn, but I am learning that He is bigger than my mistakes.
I have not only witnessed the wonders of His creation, but I have personally seen His healing miracles and His working all things together for my good, as a child of God, a follower of Christ.
One of my very favorite scriptures is 2Cor. 12:9, “His strength is made perfect in weakness.” He also tells us in Joel 3:10, “Let the weak say ‘I am strong,’” How can I walk in His strength? After we have removed the “self” wardrobe, and clothed ourselves in Christ (Rom 13:14), let’s put on the armor of God (Eph 6), careful to wear His powerful shoes of peace, and then step into our today and tomorrow. Confident in Him, the completed work of Christ, and filled with the love and compassion that sent Jesus into the world to be our Redeemer, our Deliverer, our Savior and King!
Not overwhelmed, but victorious!
In His care, Bebe
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn (strength) of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalm 18:2 NKJV
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