Ok. It’s already been established, but, outrageous things happen to me. One evening my husband and I went for our regular walk after dinner. We often stop along our stroll to speak with the neighbors who are out. We had just visited with one friend who was watering some areas with her garden hose. As we walked a small distance something flew into my eye. Immediately I felt a sting and then an intense burn. This thing was crawling around in my eye and biting or stinging me. I was struggling to get it out, but it was inside. I turned around and went over to my neighbor’s fence and called for her to give me the hose. She passed the hose through the fence and I began trying to wash out my eye. Nothing helped. Finally, my husband and I headed home.
Once home, I washed my eye extensively with a saline solution. I practically turned my eye inside out looking for the culprit. Neither I nor my husband could see anything. Of course, the insect had ceased any activity, but I could still feel it and my eye burned like crazy. I put an eye lubricating gel in my eye and finally went to bed for the evening.
I had been praying for the Lord to protect my eye and to help me get this insect out. As I lie in bed, I had the thought to pray for my spiritual sight as well. Something that did not belong in my eye was causing me a great deal of discomfort and seriously affecting my vision. When we believe something that is contrary to the word of God, when we have unforgiveness or anxiety in our heart, anything that does not line up with God’s truth and will for our lives, we have something in our spiritual eyes.
The next morning, I woke with the same discomfort and I prayed and asked God to help me get this thing out of my eye. Until it was gone, I was totally handicapped for two reasons. I couldn’t see and I couldn’t think about anything else. Isn’t that the truth when we allow things to come into our lives that are not God’s will? When we choose to worry and stress over a situation instead of trusting God with the outcome, when we are offended or hurt by someone’s words and don’t lay that situation on the Lord’s shoulders, when we believe the world’s opinions instead of standing on the Word of God.
I put my hand over my eye and prayed for the blood of Jesus to cover and cleanse my eye. I then took one gentle swipe over my eye and there it was, an ant. There was immediate relief from the presence of that crunchy beast. My eye was swollen and very irritated for the day, but by the second morning all was well.
The blood of Jesus! Power to cleanse and remove any sin, any wrong, any hurt. Power to heal and restore. Ask Jesus to cover you with His blood. Walk in the truth of His Word. John 9:7b NKJV “So he went away and washed, and came back seeing.”
Father, we ask You in the name of Jesus, remove those things that are hindering our spiritual eyes from seeing all You are and all You have for us to know and understand. Cleanse our sight and understanding. Help us to walk in Your truth and power. In Jesus’ mighty name!
In His care, Bebe
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