As I was waking, I heard the words “quick to hear and slow to speak.” I started meditating on these words from James 1:19. Wanted to share my thoughts with my readers.
Many of us tend to react to what we hear based on how it makes us feel, preconceived impressions, old traumas or insults, previous disappointments, misinformation, wrong teaching, and a host of other held beliefs. The key word here is “react” as opposed to a “careful response.” A hurried reaction or an impulse is not reflective of true hearing. An impulse can rise from a fixed position of the heart. Is your impulse from His love or from your hurt? Hearing implies understanding and comprehending. When we are slow to speak we have taken the time to deliberate and consider all the facts. Scripturally, we are taught to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:5
Am I first considering what the Word says about a matter? Am I listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He leads me to truth and correction? Am I remembering to respond with a gentle answer to turn away wrath? Does my answer encourage and build up another believer? Do my words bring praise, honor, and glory to the name of my Heavenly Father? Do I answer in truth, tempered by love? Does my answer bring the peace of God into the situation, breaking apart chaos? Are my chosen words wise, bringing health to the hearer? Do my words (spoken or thought) bring blessing or cursing? life or death? Let us be quick to hear and slow to speak, carefully considering His Word, His heart, His instruction, and His ways.
Proverbs 17:27 He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. (The KJV says, an “excellent” spirit.)
Lord, help me be quick to hear the voice of Truth,
Slow and careful not to agree with disappointment or discouragement.
Quick to have a ready and correct response to a word that does not line up with the Word of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Careful to answer gently and with the voice of encouragement,
with a shout of praise to God; with authority bringing peace into the situation.
Quick to hear the Holy Spirit’s correction or instruction,
Listening and hearing with understanding. We pray in Jesus name.
In His care, Bebe
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