God’s Word in my life

​This summer has been a series of challenges, but God has continually delivered and restored. It’s Who He is!  These are just a few thoughts regarding God’s Word in my life:

Your Word is my safety net.

Your Word is the arrow that points me in the right direction.

My truth when lies are all around me…

My friend when everyone departs…

My balance when everything is shaking…

My resting place in wearisome times…

My sure weapon in battle…

My clear trumpet in all the noise…

My exclamation point that follows the questions…

The sweet song that arises out of silence…

My grace when I feel unworthy…

My hug when I feel unloved…

My acceptance when I feel cast off…

My rock when I am uncertain…

My glory from the rubble!

In His care, Bebe Willert

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