Transformation. I’ve been considering this word for a long time. I’m going through a process of consciously renewing my mind, replacing toxic memories with truth and forgiveness, replacing toxic beliefs with God’s word, replacing fear and anxiety with love, joy, and peace. The Lord started me on this journey back in 2009 and it has been revolutionary for my life. Wow! Already ten years. Still in process, being transformed.
When we come to faith in the Lord Jesus, we become a new creation. The Word tells us in 2 Corinthians “old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.” But, harsh words, offenses and hurts have been experienced and received in our minds. Wrong teaching and faulty beliefs have been learned and filed away, affecting our lives at the subconscious and conscious level. Our identity becomes tied up in this wash of memories and thoughts.
Your true identity in Christ is the key to your transformation! We are made new in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Even from the beginning of creation God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” But what do we believe about ourselves; what do our words and thoughts reflect? Who does Christ say I am? Do my own thoughts line up with His thoughts? They should, and they must for us to really walk in truth.
I heard a riveting statement this past week by Graham Cooke. I’m going to leave you with this thought to consider. “You cannot become a new person by changing your behavior. You discover the person you already are in Christ and behave accordingly.”
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